Idaho Republicans are Pro-Family and Pro-Life.
Idaho Republicans are unashamedly Pro-life. We believe that families are a blessing and that no living, innocent human child should be intentionally killed.
We believe women are smart enough to make decisions about human reproduction while also respecting the God-given and constitutional right to life. And, no, Republicans are not actually against legitimate emergency medical care.
The Democrats in Idaho would have you believe propaganda that the Republicans are in a war against women, but for decades now, Idaho Democrats have been in a war against innocent children. They have treated preborn human beings as a disfavored minority and have denied them their place in the human family.
At the same time, many Democrats frequently post signs at their homes that “love lives here”, but denying a whole class of people protection of their natural right to life looks a whole lot more like hatred than love.
Vote Republican on November 8, 2022. Vote for women and vote for life.