Scott Herndon News and Updates
Property Taxes, Gas Taxes, Income Taxes
I am often asked about tax relief, but to really be successful tax relief will have to include spending relief.
Scott Herndon Defeats Jim Woodward in Primary Election
Challenger Scott Herndon prevailed over incumbent Senator Jim Woodward 56% – 44% in the May 17, 2022 Republican primary election for District 1 Idaho State Senate.
7 Changes to the Idaho Republican Party Platform
Scott Herndon has been a delegate to two Idaho Republican Party conventions and has authored seven platform changes adopted by the party. They include, judges, guns, marriage and abortion.
5 minutes – Scott Herndon Speaks at Bonners Ferry Forum
Video of Scott Herndon, candidate for Idaho state senate at the Bonners Ferry Middle School March 31, 2022.
Gun Bill Advances in House
In response to the Festival at Sandpoint’s gun ban, House Bill 676 has been introduced to close the loop hole by which cities can infringe on the 2nd amendment.
Idaho’s Legislative Process is Broken
Taxation without representation happens in Idaho when committee chairmen refuse to hear bill proposals.
Does Idaho Have a Budget Surplus?
The governor, the state controller and the legislature are all acting on an alleged $1.9 billion Idaho budget surplus. But, is there actually a surplus?
My Bills That Passed and The Ones That Died.
As a private citizen I have written several bills in the last few years, some of which were signed into law and some of which were brutally killed.
My Vision for Idaho – Scott Herndon for Idaho Senate
Why I am running for the Idaho Senate and what I will do as a senator.
Is Idaho Planning to Steal Your Water?
Water adjudication has started in North Idaho, and NO, it is not a state power or land grab.